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Downtown Newnan!
Pilliard Dickle's New Calendar...

A joint project with The Newnan-Coweta Historical Society!
18x24, Limited Edition, Signed and Numbered
"A yearlong trip through a cartoon fantasy land"
Associated Press
"A feast for the imagination"
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
It's a fun, creative celebration of our town!
Watch the 2 minute movie of The Land of Calendaria
Directed by Stephen Speilberg. Er, I mean Pilliard Dickle.
Gene Shalit, The Today Show
"My very favorite of all calendars I've ever seen!"
"No home should be without a Pilliard Dickle calendar"
David Letterman
Larisa Scott at NCHS
770-254-0207 Email
Pilliard Dickle (Joe Chandler)
912-270-7421 Email
Pilliard Dickle calendars add a splash of imagination and fun to any decor. Plus, they tell you what day it is!
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